Real Life Stories


the case of Jane

Jane, a lawyer attending one of my seminars, complained of feeling frustrated with her job. She was beginning to hate going to work and had lost her sense of passion. When I questioned her about it, she said that the problem was Mary, another attorney who worked at her law firm.

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The case of Sally

“I don't know what to do. Each time I have to go to a board meeting in the corporation I work for, I get cold feet. This feeling of anxiety wells up inside of me and I get tense. You see, I am the only female among a group of 12 top level male executives in a corporation. Since I am the only woman, I know that men relate to me differently than to each other…”

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The case of RYAN

Ryan, a successful SVP GCD of Corporate and Public Affairs at an internationally known public relations and marketing firm, had successfully created and led many campaigns for his company. However, he had gotten negative feedback from his CEO and told that if he wanted to keep his job, he had to change his attitude.

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Team Report


When a company wants to cultivate their employees creative and imaginative potentials, the heart holds the key. The following case study is of a team of an online educational platform company. The session consisted of bringing the image of their hearts into their current work. The two imagery exercises below evoked innovative solutions and sources of wisdom in interactions with other team members, shifted negative perspectives, sparked inspiration and enhanced team communication. The team consisted of five members.


eidetic image example

Heart Drumming Image

  1. See you are working on something while at work.

  2. Feel your heartbeat and see that it beats stronger

  3. See you can hear the drumming of your heartbeat

  4. There is imagination in your heartbeat. As your heart beats, it gives a rhythm to your imagination.

  5. See you are working and let your heart beat.

  6. Let the beat become stronger in your activity and see is more pleasurable and easier to perform.

  7. How does your performance change as you add the beating of your heart?



Amy:  My performance got faster. so many ideas came pouring out of my brain. I felt renewed energy and exuberance for the project we are all working on.

Maya: I saw an image of interacting with someone in a sales pitch. I could feel my blood pulsing in my whole body. I became more animated. I was talking with my hands, interacting more. I felt so alive, so sincere and enthused.

Lisa: Energetic, lots of passion, excitement. endless amount of ideas were generated. It felt an open lense to all these different perspectives and views on our new project.

Kirk: My performance became a lot of more fun. I was working on a design and was struggling with it and felt stuck.  Then when going through the image, I started moving and dancing. I had new energy and enthusiasm.

Joanne: I have been feeling all alone working on the new app, since it is my responsibility. Seeing the image, I saw how we are all together in getting this project off the ground. I feel love for everyone on the team and I want the best for everyone. My heart is throbbing and I feel high and a lot of energy and the group’s support, as I work on the app.


eidetic image example


  1. See someone you interact with someone with work that is frustrating to you, or you feel unsure with, or is difficult in some way for you.

  2. What do you see as you interact with them?

  3. How do you feel? Notice your feelings and body sensations.

  4. Now see through their eyes, they see you, as you interact with them.

  5. Now come back to your eyes and see them through your eyes. Let me image unfold.

  6. Now think of someone you love. Feel the love in your heart as you see the image.

  7. Now bring this heart, this love into the interaction with the person.

  8. See them what do you see? Let the image unfold. Notice how you now feel, as you interact with them now.

  9. See through their eyes, they see you. How do they see you now with the heart of the east in you?

  10. Now see through your eyes you see them. Have you or then changed in any way due to your bringing your heart into the interaction with them?


Maya: I was thinking back to interactions I had with a frustrated colleague. I noticed what was it about those interactions that triggered me. I saw that the same things were triggering her, as were triggering me. The information in the image was unfolding really fast.  I saw that I did not express my frustration to her, but, I felt tense and agitated and disrespected by her, as we communicated. I could see she was feeling the same way about me. I was angry because she was ordering me around. I could see that she felt I was doing the same. When I thought of my heart, I instantly calmed down. My heart became really slow. I relaxed and became curious and calm and open. It was a nice calmness and a curiosity that came over me and I knew we could work through this by my just shifting how I was towards her.

Lisa: It was really interesting. When I would shift from the image of me to the other person and then back to myself, it was as if layers of information was being revealed.  I started off being annoyed with the person. I was being cold. When I went to the other person feeling cold, they felt neglected. Then back to me with my heart now full and I saw that they responded to me differently. Now they became more encouraging and loving. It made what I was saying more influential.  My acting out of love, made them want to act out of love too.

Amy: I learned something seeing this image. I saw that when there is conflict there are two sides to it. It is important to step into the other person’s shoes and to feel what they are feeling. With the heart, what was a conflictual conversation, became an even playing field. I no longer felt that I had to win the argument.  I saw that the nurturing feeling in my heart let me feel compassion for the other person. Originally, the person talked to me with a heated and tense energy. When I brought my heart into the very same discussion, my energy changed and there was more calm and understanding. I see I have the power to change interactions by being more heart felt.

Kirk: I saw an image of my manager and how much she annoys me.  We are very different people.  She says what she thinks to anyone without batting an eye. I don’t like confrontation and I keep my feelings to myself. I have begun to shrink away from her and I feel this could hurt me advancing in the company in the long run. We have these differences. When I bring my heart into the interaction with her, my perspective suddenly changes and I see that she is a kind person. Seeing from her eyes, I see that she respects me. My wall goes down and I no longer feel distant.

Joanne: I am annoyed at someone I work with on another team that interfaces with ours on a daily basis. I heard that she is talking badly about me behind my back and I don’t know why. I am infuriated with her. I want to tell her off, but given the office politics, that would make me look bad.   When I see me through her eyes, I see that she is intimidated by me. As I bring my heart into the interaction, I feel compassion for her and her power starts to shrink in my mind. I see her as small and her backbiting feels insignificant to me. I am no longer bothered by her and I can be myself and do my work efficiently. I just feel badly for her now. Wow, this image shifted my perception of her and I feel free of what irked me for months!



At a time when I was running on empty, Jackie’s use of Eidetic Imagery helped me look within myself to refill my cup and understand that the greatest source of strength always comes from within. Jackie’s process is one with which we have the power to see our most authentic selves and understand our deepest sense of purpose.


An exciting and ingenuous way of getting at conflict areas. 

Contemporary Psychology